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₹195 – ₹400
DENGLOY Syrup is useful for sudden high body temperatures due to viral infections, severe headaches, joint and muscle pain (breakbone), rashes on the skin, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. It helps fight against viral infections by boosting the immune system and increasing the platelet count, white blood cells, and neutrophils.
Dengloy Syrup शरीर के उच्च तापमान, सिरदर्द, कमजोरी, थकान को कम करता है| यह प्लेटलेट काउंट, श्वेत रक्त कोशिकाओं और न्यूट्रोफिल को बढ़ाने में मदद करता है जिससे शरीर में पर्याप्त रक्त बना रहता है| यह शरीर की प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बढ़ाता है, ताकि आपका शरीर वायरल इन्फेक्शन से लड़ने में सक्षम हो जाए| यह गंभीर सिरदर्द, जोड़ों और मांसपेशियों में दर्द, उल्टी और आंखों के आसपास दर्द, अचानक तेज बुखार के उपचार में उपयोगी है|
Indication :-
- Viral Infections
- Immunity booster
- It helps to increase white blood cells and platelet count.
- Prophylactic and relieved dengue fever
₹195 – ₹400
Categories: Uncategorized
Haldee Eye Drop
HALDEE EYE DROP (Anti Inflammatory & Hydrating Eye Drop)
HALDEE EYE DROP, “Curcuma Longa” (Haldi) has anti-inflammatory properties and antibacterial activity. Curcumin a Polyphenol extracted from Curcuma Longa is helpful in early stages of Glaucoma and other eye diseases with neuronal pathologies. The Glaucoma condition mainly involves the loss of retinal ganglion cells a type of neuron located near the surface of retina.
The anti-inflammatory qualities of Haldi may have benefits for patients with a variety of other eye conditions, including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and uveitis. It helps in treating the damage caused to the eyes and optic nerve in glaucoma. "Recent statistics by National Health Portal reveal that nearly 40 million individuals or every eighth person in India have glaucoma or are at risk of developing it.
Composition :-
CURCUMA LONGA :- Bacteriological study shows that the Curcuma Longa prevents and cure infections from Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, Klebsiella and pseudomonas organisms. Prevents Optic disc edema and maintains Intraocular pressure.
ACIDUM BORACICUM :- Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic disinfectant, arrests fermentation and putrefaction.
NATRUM MURIATICUM :- Reduces conjunctival congestion, cleans cornea for sharp and twinkling vision.
HYDROXYPROPYL METHYLCELLULOSE :- Hydration and lubrication of eye. Relieve dryness and irritation caused by reduced tear flow.
Indications :- Anti-inflammatory, Hydrating, Relieves Pain in Eyes, Redness, Headache, Blurred Vision, Lacrimation, Fatigue of Vision, Appearance of a Bright Rainbow Rim around any light source, Increased intraocular pressure, Dryness of eyes.
Directions for use :- Shake well before use, instill 2-3 drops in both eyes 2 to 3 times a day, allowing the tears to irrigate the entire eye by closing and opening the eyelids simultaneously.
Side Effects : Nil
Contraindications : Nil
Non irritant, Soothing, Alcohol Free.
Categories: Uncategorized
₹130 – ₹350
Composition : Bryonia Alba Q, Ipecacuanha Q, Sambuccus Nigra Q, Senega Q,
Justicia Adhatoda Q, Aspidosperma Q, Iodium 3x, Hydrastis canadensis Q,
Excipients QS
Dosage : Adult 5 to 10ml and children 2 to 5ml twice daily or as prescribed
by the physician
Indications : Dry Asthmatic Cough, Suffocative Cough, Want of Breath,
Dyspnoea, Hoarseness, Laryngitis
₹130 – ₹350