Composition : Abies Nigra 3x, Carbo Veg 3x, Pepsin 3x, Kalicarb 3x, Nux. V 3x
Dosage : Adults 2 tab., Children 1 tab. 3-4 times daily.
Symptoms : Pain in stomach increases after eating. Frequent eructations. Painful sensation in the chest, on side of sternum, sour rising. Hiccough, burning in stomach, flatulence and water brash. Sensation that everything in abdomen will fall down, cannot bear clothes tight. Incarcerated hernia, painful sensation as something lodged in the chest, mostly on the right side of the sternum. Pressure & cramps of the abdomen. Excessive discharge of flatus and pain at the cardiac region of the stomach or in the oesophagus. chronic indigestion, gastralgia, Aggravation of abdominal suffering after eating the smallest portion of food.