
35 in stock


Composition : Ipecacuanha 1x, Bryonia alba 1x, Mephitis 1x, Kaliiodatum 3x, Belladonna 1x, Ephedra 3x, Zingiber 1x and Justicia adhathoda 1x, Mentha piperita 1x, Allium Cepa 1x.

Dosage : Adults one teaspoonful and children 1/2 teaspoon three times a day.

Disease : COUGH & COLD

Symptoms : An efficient cough syrup, indicated for upper respiratory tract infections, unproductive cough, acute and chronic bronchitis, Dry choking cough with hoarseness of voice, Dyspnoea, Pain in chest, restlessness.



Homeopathic Medicine for Dry Cough

Haslab’s Coughlex Homeopathic Medicine for Dry Cough: Specially formulated to provide effective relief for individuals suffering from dry cough. Coughlex is a trusted homeopathic remedy that targets the root causes of dry cough, offering a natural and safe solution for soothing respiratory irritation.

Coughlex is designed to address the persistent, non-productive cough that can be incredibly bothersome and disruptive to daily life. Its carefully selected blend of homeopathic ingredients works synergistically to help suppress the cough reflex, reduce throat dryness, and promote overall respiratory well-being.

With Coughlex, you can experience relief from the persistent tickle or irritation in your throat that triggers coughing bouts. The medicine works gently to alleviate discomfort, allowing you to enjoy uninterrupted sleep, carry out daily activities with ease, and regain your sense of well-being.

The homeopathic approach of Coughlex ensures that it stimulates the body’s innate healing mechanisms, assisting in the restoration of respiratory balance.

By addressing the underlying factors contributing to dry cough, such as throat inflammation or sensitivity, Coughlex helps to soothe the irritated airways and provides long-lasting relief without causing drowsiness or unwanted side effects.

One of the significant advantages of Coughlex is its natural formulation, which makes it suitable for all ages, including children and elderly individuals. It is a non-addictive and non-drowsy alternative to conventional cough medicines, making it a preferred choice for those seeking holistic and gentle remedies.

Haslab’s Coughlex Homeopathic Medicine for Dry Cough is manufactured using rigorous quality standards and adheres to the principles of homeopathy. It is produced in state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring the highest level of purity, potency, and safety.

If you’re seeking a reliable solution to alleviate dry cough symptoms, look no further than Coughlex. Experience the power of homeopathy and the soothing relief it can provide for your respiratory health. Say goodbye to persistent coughing and embrace a more comfortable and cough-free life with Coughlex by Haslab.


115ml, 450ml


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Composition : Phenolphthalein 1x,senna 1x,Sulphur 1x Dosage : 1/2 to 1 Caplet with lukewarm water at bed time or as prescribed by the Physician. Disease : CONSTIPATION Symptoms : It is useful in case where no desire for stool at all for days, Useful in traveller constipation, Useful in constipation which can lead to piles & fissures of anus.


Composition: Aesculus hip 3x, Cal Flour 3x, Lycopodium 3x, Nux Vom 3x, Paeonia off 3x, Sulphur 3x, Vipera 6x, Blumia Od 3x, Graphites 3x. Dosage : 5 to 10 drops, 3 to 4 times daily in little water. Disease : HAEMRRHOIDS, VARICOSE VEINS Symptoms : Piles, itching, pain. Anal fissures, prolapsus, Varicosis and Varicose ailments, inflammation of veins. Varicose eczema, Anal eczema.


375 319
Composition :  Pilocarpus Q, Arnica Montana Q, Cinchona Off Q, Cantharis Q, Callendula Off Q, Seasamum Indicum (as Excipient). Dosage : A concentrated Jaborand Hair Lotion to be Applied on the affected areas by putting few drops and gentle rub with the finger tips. Disease : Prevents hair falling, dandruff and premature whitening of hair Symptoms : Dandruff, Falling of hair, Baldness & Alopecia, Premature whitening of hair. 


Composition :  Pilocarpus Q, Arnica Montana Q, Cinchona Off Q, Cantharis Q, Callendula Off Q, Seasamum Indicum (as Excipient). Dosage : A concentrated Jaborand Hair Lotion to be Applied on the affected areas by putting few drops and gentle rub with the finger tips. Disease : Prevents hair falling, dandruff and premature whitening of hair Symptoms : Dandruff, Falling of hair, Baldness & Alopecia, Premature whitening of hair. 


Composition : Phosphoricum Acidum 1x, Calcium Phosphoricum 1x, Natrum Phosphate 1x, Potassium Phosphate 1x, Iron Phosphate 1x, Magnesium Phosphate 3x, Aurum met 3x, Ferrum met 3x, Strych Phos 3x, Cinchona 1x, Avena Sat 1x, Riboflavin 3x Anacardium Orientatlis 1x, Dosage : Adults :2 teaspoonful twice or thrice daily in water before meals, Children : according to age as prescribed by the Physician. Disease : Nervous exhaustion, depression, Loss of memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Subclinical Vitamin deficiency, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anaemia, laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, constipation. Symptoms : A palatable Tonic for Nervous exhaustion, depression, Loss of memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Subclinical Vitamin deficiency, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anaemia, laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, constipation


HASLAB’s Jaboran Drops strengthens hair to prevent hair fall. It rejuvenates scalp and stimulates hair follicles to controls dandruff and promote hair growth. It also protects hair damage and treats itching or eczema of the scalp. Symptoms : Alopecia, Hair fall, Hair damage, Dandruff, Promote hair growth, Itching or eczema of the scalp. Dosage : 10 to 20 drops with little water twice daily or as prescribed by the Physician. NOTE: Apply Jaborand Lotion daily & Jaborandi Black weekly on the scalp for better results.  


Composition : Alfalfa 1x, Avena Sat 1x, Hydrastis can 1x, Cinchona Off 1x, Terminalia Arjuna 1x, Crataegus 1x, Digitalis P. 1x, Cactus G. 1x, Strophanthus 1x, Lycopodium 1x, Riboflavin 3x in syrup base. Dosage : 1-2 teaspoonful twice daily in water, before meals or as direced by the physician. Disease : Heart & Brain Exhaustion. Heart weak, Palpitation, Fatigueness Symptoms : A Palatable tonic for Heart & Brain Exhaustion. Heart weak, Palpitation, Fatigueness of the Heart, Nerves & Muscles, Muscles thin and atrophied, weight loss, appetite Poor, loss of memory, Pain and heavyness in the Cardiac region, Poor recovery after Rheumatic Fever.




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