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45+ Care Kit - Alfa Super SF- 115 ml, CMS Eye Drop, Rhustee Pain Spray & Digesto SF – 200 ml

530 451
Haslab-SCM Cineraria Maritima (10ml) for Cataract, Rhustee (50ml) for Joint pains ,Digesto SF (200ml) for Indigestion & Alfalfa Super ABCD SF (115ml) for heart & brain exhaustion.
530 451

Allergy Kit - Aidoaller Anti allergic Tablet, Mamira Eye Drop & Cleronose Nasal Spray

265 225
Mamira (10ml) for Acute or chronic conjunctivitis ,Cleronose Nasal Spray (10ml) for Blockage of nose & Aidoaller Antiallergic (10 caplets) for reducing hypersecretion from nasal mucosa and controls allergic rhinitis
265 225


DENGLOY SYRUP (NON-SUGAR-SYRUP) (FOR HIGH BODY TEMPERATURE DUE TO VIRAL INFECTIONS) DENGLOY Syrup is useful for sudden high body temperatures due to viral infections, severe headaches, joint and muscle pain (breakbone), rashes on the skin, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. It helps fight against viral infections by boosting the immune system and increasing the platelet count, white blood cells, and neutrophils. Dengloy Syrup शरीर के उच्च तापमान, सिरदर्द, कमजोरी, थकान को कम करता है|  यह प्लेटलेट काउंट, श्वेत रक्त कोशिकाओं और न्यूट्रोफिल को बढ़ाने में मदद करता है जिससे शरीर में पर्याप्त रक्त बना रहता है| यह शरीर की प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बढ़ाता है, ताकि आपका शरीर वायरल इन्फेक्शन से लड़ने में सक्षम हो जाए|  यह गंभीर सिरदर्द, जोड़ों और मांसपेशियों में दर्द, उल्टी और आंखों के आसपास दर्द, अचानक तेज बुखार के उपचार में उपयोगी है| Indication :-
  • Viral Infections
  • Immunity booster
  • It helps to increase white blood cells and platelet count.
  • Prophylactic and relieved dengue fever
Composition :- Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy) Q Carica Papaya Q Ocimum Sanctum (Tulsi) Q Azadirachta Indica (Neem) Q Rhus toxicodendron 3X Eupatorium perfoliatum 3X Gelsemium sempervirens 3X Belladonna 3X   Dosage: Adults:- Adult 10 to 20 ml three times a day; children: 5 to 10 ml three times a day. Or as prescribed by the physician. It can be safely used by diabetic patients as it is in a non-sugar syrup base.


Composition : Nux Vomica 1x, Cinchonaofficinallis 1x, Hydrastis Can 1x, Carbo vegetabilis 3x, Zingiber Off 1x, Natrum Carb 1x, Ocimum Sanctum 1x, Lycopodium 1x, Allium Sativum 1x, Mentha Piperita 1x in sugar free base. Dosage : 1 to 2 tablespoonful after meals twice or thrice daily. Disease : Indigestion, stomach disorders, sour eructations, Flatulence, Acidity, Constipation, burning in chest and stomach Symptoms : A Palatable sugar free tonic for Indigestion,stomach disorders, sour eructations, Flatulence, Acidity, Constipation, burning in chest and stomach, Chronic tendency of irregular Bowel movements, Distension of abdomen even after eating a little Food, Loss of appetite with apathy to Food, Loud-Rumbling Belching with Acidic Water in mouth.

Flu Kit - Cleronose Nasal Spray, JustinKof SF – 115 ml & Drox 11

376 320
Cleronose Nasal Spray (10ml) for Blockage of nose,Justinkof (115ml) for Dry Asthmatic Cough & Drox 11 (115ml) for Influenza  
376 320


Composition : Phosphoricum Acidum 1x, Calcium Phosphoricum 1x, Natrum Phosphate 1x, Potassium Phosphate 1x, Iron Phosphate 1x, Magnesium Phosphate 3x, Aurum met 3x, Ferrum met 3x, Strych Phos 3x, Cinchona 1x, Avena Sat 1x, Riboflavin 3x Anacardium Orientatlis 1x, Dosage : Adults :2 teaspoonful twice or thrice daily in water before meals, Children : according to age as prescribed by the Physician. Disease : Nervous exhaustion, depression, Loss of memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Subclinical Vitamin deficiency, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anaemia, laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, constipation. Symptoms : A palatable Tonic for Nervous exhaustion, depression, Loss of memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Subclinical Vitamin deficiency, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anaemia, laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, constipation

Hair Care Kit - Jaborand Hair Lotion, Jaborandi Black Hair Vitalizer & Bico 34 (20gm)

385 327
  • Jaborandi Black Hair Vitalizer (100ml) for dry scalp, dandruff, split hair, premature greyness, falling of hair and baldness. For more info Click Here
  • Jaborand Hair Lotion (25ml) for Dandruff, Falling of hair, Baldness & Alopecia, Premature whitening of hair. For more infoClick Here
  • Bico 34 (20gms) for Falling Of Hair, baldness and Hair Boils. For more info Click Here
385 327

Haldee Eye Drop

HALDEE EYE DROP (Anti Inflammatory & Hydrating Eye Drop) HALDEE EYE DROP, “Curcuma Longa” (Haldi) has anti-inflammatory properties and antibacterial activity. Curcumin a Polyphenol extracted from Curcuma Longa is helpful in early stages of Glaucoma and other eye diseases with neuronal pathologies. The Glaucoma condition mainly involves the loss of retinal ganglion cells a type of neuron located near the surface of retina. The anti-inflammatory qualities of Haldi may have benefits for patients with a variety of other eye conditions, including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and uveitis. It helps in treating the damage caused to the eyes and optic nerve in glaucoma. "Recent statistics by National Health Portal reveal that nearly 40 million individuals or every eighth person in India have glaucoma or are at risk of developing it. Composition :- CURCUMA LONGA :-  Bacteriological study shows that the Curcuma Longa prevents and cure infections from Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, Klebsiella and pseudomonas organisms. Prevents Optic disc edema and maintains Intraocular pressure. ACIDUM BORACICUM :- Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic disinfectant, arrests fermentation and putrefaction. NATRUM MURIATICUM :- Reduces conjunctival congestion, cleans cornea for sharp and twinkling vision. HYDROXYPROPYL METHYLCELLULOSE :- Hydration and lubrication of eye. Relieve dryness and irritation caused by reduced tear flow. Indications :- Anti-inflammatory, Hydrating, Relieves Pain in Eyes, Redness, Headache, Blurred Vision, Lacrimation, Fatigue of Vision, Appearance of a Bright Rainbow Rim around any light source, Increased intraocular pressure, Dryness of eyes. Directions for use :- Shake well before use, instill 2-3 drops in both eyes 2 to 3 times a day, allowing the tears to irrigate the entire eye by closing and opening the eyelids simultaneously. Side Effects  : Nil Contraindications : Nil Non irritant, Soothing, Alcohol Free.

Haslab Lo-Choles Tab (Buy 3 Get 1 Free) (10 tab)

For Cholesterol Management

Health Kit - Alfa Super- 200ml, Mamira Eye Drop, Jaborand Hair Lotion, Jaborandi Black Hair Vitalizer, Cleronose Nasal Spray

625 531
Mamira (10ml) for Acute or chronic conjunctivitis, Jaborand Hair Lotion (25ml) for Dandruff, Jaborandi Black Hair Vitalizer (100ml) for dry scalp, Alfalfa Super ABCD  (200ml) for heart & brain exhaustion & Cleronose Nasal Spray (10ml) for Blockage of nose.
625 531


Available in 25g Glass Bottle Name MRP Ammi Visnaga 250 Carbo Vegetabilis 250 Echinacea Angustifolia 300 Kalmegh 200 Aloe Vera 250 Ocimum santum 200 Bacopa Monnieri 200 Calcarea Phosphorica 350 Ferrum Phosphoricum 350 Kali Phosphoricum 350 Anthrakokali 300 Garcinia Gambogia 220 Guatteria Gaumeri 300 Gingko Biloba 300 Phytolacca Berry 160


Available in 25g Glass Bottle Name MRP Name MRP Acidum Salicylicum 3x 180 Graphites 3x 180 Antimonium Crudum 3x 180 Gun Powder 3x 180 Antimonium Tartaricum 3x 180 Hekla Lava 3x 180 Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum 3x 300 Hepar Sulphur 3x 180 Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum 4x 250 Hydrastininum Muriaticum 3x 350 Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum 6x 180 Iodium 3x 180 Arsenicum Iodatum 3x 300 Kali Bichromicum 3x 180 Arsenicum Iodatum 4x 250 Kali Iodatum 3x 180 Arsenicum Iodatum 6x 180 Lecithin 3x 180 Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 3x 300 Mercurius Bin Iodatus 3x 180 Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 6x 180 Mercurius Corrosivus 3x 180 Baryta Carbonica 3x 180 Mercurius Dulcis 6x 180 Baryta Muriatica 3x 180 Mercurius Proto Iodatus 3x 180 Bismuth Metallicum 3x - Mercurius Solubilis 3x 180 Borax 3x 180 Ova Tosta 3x 180 Calcarea Hypophosphorosa 3x 180 Pancreatinum 3x 180 Calcarea Carbonica 3x 180 Pepsinum 3x 180 Calcarea Iodata 3x 180 Pituitarum Posterium 3x 300 Calculi Renalis 4x 250 Plumbum Iodatum 3x 180 Calculi Renalis 6x 180 Plumbum Metallicum 3x 180 Carbo Vegetabilis 3x 180 Santoninum 3x 180 Chininum Sulphuricum 3x 180 Selenium 3x 180 Cholesterinum 3x 180 Tellurium 3x 300 Chrysarobinum 3x 180 Thiosinaminum 3x 300 Cuprum Oxydatum Nigrum 3x 180 Thyroidinum 3x 300 Cuprum Aceticum 3x 180 Thyroidinum 6x 180 Fel Tauri 3x 180 Uranium Nitricum 3x 300 Ferrum Picricum 3x 180 Yohimbinum 3x 300 Ferrum Metallicum 3x 180 Zincum Phosphoratum 6x 180 Ferrum Arsenicicum 3x -




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