Showing 85–88 of 88 results
₹75 – ₹950
Composition : Macrotinum 3x, Eonymus Atrop 3x, Rhuxtox 3x, Sabina 3x.
Dosage : Adults 2 tab., Children1 tab. 2-3 hourly.
Disease : BACKACHE
Symptoms : Pain in whole back, as if muscles bruised. Albuminurea and dropsy. Pulling and digging in shoulders. Stich-like electric shock in the small of back. Paralytic pain in fingers, arms, shoulders, hips and knees. Rheumatic stiffness of the nape of neck and painful tension during movement, pain in small of back. Distortion of vertebral column. Pain in loins, drawing and stitches in back, especially when stooping, continuous pain in the muscles or vertebrae of the neck, paralytic pain in the back. Arthritic rigidity and swelling of the joint with tearing and shooting pain in the spine.
₹75 – ₹950
₹75 – ₹950
Composition : Aconite 3x, Cactus G. 3x, Digitalis 3x.
Dosage : Adults 2 tab. 3-4 times daily.
Symptoms : Palpitation of heart with great anxiety. Shooting pain in the region of heart when moving or going upstairs, oppressed breathing, attacks of heart when moving or going upstairs, oppressed breathing, attacks of fainting. Pulse full, stronghard. slow and feeble, thread like with anxiety. Palpitation with slow pulse, irregular and intermittent pulse. Dull, uneasiness in various parts of heart region with sensation of weakness to forearm even at rest, shifting of pain in heart. Heart weak, sitting up in bed has caused fatal Syncope, frightful stitches in the region of heart, coming in every fifteen minutes, lasting only five or six seconds, Cyanosis, heart compressed, squeezed by hand. Acute pain, palpitation of heart, day and night palpitation, irregular beats from slightest movement or excitement with deep inspiration, pain in apex of the heart, shooting down to left arm and to ends of fingers. Dyspnoea, enlarged Ventricle, Endocardial murmur.
₹75 – ₹950
₹75 – ₹950
Composition : Aurum mur Nat. 3x, Aurum Mur 3x, Hydrastis 3x.
Dosage : Adults 2 tab., 3-4 times daily.
Disease : TUMOUR
Symptoms : Fibroid Tumour, cancerous growth in uterus. Haemorrahages from the womb, ulcers and induration of the uterus, enlarged ovaries, Leucorrhoea, pustules on genitals, carcinoma of the breast, uterus and ovaries, Metritis, premature menses. Habitual abortions, cancer or ulcers of the cervix.
₹75 – ₹950
₹75 – ₹950
Composition : Brucinum 3x, Bryonia 3x, Aconite 3x.
Dosage : In Acute stage, Aduts 2 tab., Children 1 tab. every 2 hourly, then 4 hourly till cure.
Disease : POLIOMYELITIS Infantile Paralysis.
Symptoms : An acute infectious disease caused by neurotropic enterovirus. The virus invades the anterior horncells of spinal cord and medulla, producing paralysis. Clinical Features.
(1) High grade fever 103o-104oF which subsides in 2 to 5 days, rises again with onset of paralysis.
(2) Severe muscular pain or fasciculations, tenderness, Headache, stiffness of the joints of the neck, back, maximal, within 24 hours.
(3) Followed by partial or complete paralysis of one arm or leg or all the 4 limbs. Sometimes associated with paralysis of the throat and larynx.
₹75 – ₹950